Up Close And Personal


Let me introduce you to my sweet girl, Gingerbread. A few posts back, I wrote about her breeder, Truly Red and Whites, and when my sister posted this photo on Facebook, I knew I had to share it – doesn’t the world need more puppy whisker pictures? She lives up to her breed’s reputation for being led by their noses – if she’s outside, she’ll spend hours sniffing every blade of grass, so good luck getting her to come in, even if the weather turns bad. Everyone asks me if she’s hyper and she’s the most chill of the four family dogs, probably because she’s the oldest; in fact, when the other dogs were younger, Ginger didn’t want much to do with them, in the same way an annoyed teen will ignore her younger siblings. The best part of being on the receiving end of this sweet girl’s attention is what my sister calls the “root and snoot” — it’s kind of hard to explain, but if you’re sitting on the floor with her, she will press her forehead and muzzle into your shoulder or chest and then wiggle around in your lap until she gets comfortable and sits down. When she hasn’t seen me for a while, she’s a bit nervous around me but it doesn’t take long for her to get back to her rootin’ snootin’ ways. She’s a sweetheart and a true companion. Don’t tell the other dogs, but this gorgeous girl is my favorite.